Today was really about catching up with pals. I have done a few shows in New York and made friends with the american crews that I met. I also have some really great american actor friends that I worked with in London, and I try to see them all whenever I can.
I love central park, but almost avoid it as I
always get lost, today was no exception.....
I had arranged to meet my friend Jeremy and his wife south of the turtle pond, another pal Matt was gonna swing by too. Central park has no signs inside it, and although it's a lovely place to wander through aimlessly, that's not so good for meeting people! After 15 mins of aimless wandering i called matt, who started to look for me. I had wandered into an area called the rambles, and got lots of differing advice on where to go! Needless to say, i had to retrace my steps and get back to the street, and matt had already left. I finally hooked up with Jeremy and Linda, and was excited to see that they are expecting. We went into the park and met with some of their friends who were picnicing, really lovely to hang out in the blazing sunshine with pals.
My next meeting was almost 100 yards away at the open air theatre in the park. Kimberley and i got some lunch and caught up on the lawn. She only had an hour dinner break, but it was so good to see her, it's been 2 years since i saw my american chums!
I caught the subway downtown to 50th street, and did a quick stop off at 2 theatres to say hi to other Costume pals who were working. Jessica is on 'La Cage' and we had a really brief, lovely chat. Robert is on 'Rock of ages' and we had an even briefer chat, but so good to see him. As i was leaving the theatre i ran into a Stage manager that i'd worked with in London- small small world.
I hot footed back onto the subway to meet Matt and Jason on 14th street and 8th avenue. We spent a really fun evening bar hopping in the village, starting in the stunning bar at the Jane hotel. Really glad i came to new york just for the opportunity to catch up with my friends- facebook is just not the same as sitting down together!
A little tipsy i got on the NJ transit and almost missed my stop! Luckily for me, another passenger woke me up......