Aspirational words for 2012
In the last few years I seem to have become UK bound. Although I've taken a couple of beach holidays, I haven't had a travelling adventure for way too long. Deep within me is a well of wanderlust, and in 2012 I hope to feed that desire, hopefully with a trip to oz and new Zealand at the end of the year. I want to get back out there in the uk too, as there is so much to see and do in this wonderful island, and I need to escape the city of London a little more!
Explore is for me not just about far flung adventures. I live in one of the most amazing cities in the world -London. Frankly I take everything that's available to do and see in the city for granted. I know a few areas really well, but there are so many parts of the city I just haven't been to! My mission this year is to fall back in love with London, to get out there and enjoy what's available in this incredible metropolis.

"Explore" isn't however just about Traveling, it's about taking time out to explore new things too. As we get older it's easy to stick to what we know, and not try out new things. As a stitcher my passion has always been making clothes, I've really never been interested in the decorative side of sewing, this year I plan to learn some quilting and embroidery. I doubt it will become my passion, but it will definately give me a challenge! There are other pastimes I've never taken up too. Whilst I am a pretty good cook, I only make savoury meals, never baking. I'd like to explore some baking skills. Who knows I may yet become an all round domestic diva!
Every day- I plan to take a different way on route to wherever I'm heading, and not take the familiar path
Every week- Visit somewhere in London I've never been before
Every month- try something new that I've never done before.